Saturday, December 3, 2011


We have really been on top of our decorations for Christmas this year. Last year we didn't put up anything because I was sick and pregnant... This year we put everything up the day after Thanksgiving. Dubs loved watching us decorate and he really likes the tree.

Here is the "famous" bookshelf and the top of the piano (most of it, anyway). Sad to say, this is my LEAST favorite bookshelf decoration. I don't know what to do with it during Christmas and Winter.... I have been searching Pinterest for if anyone finds anything great...let me know!!

We decided to start something different with our tree...normally we decorate it with all my late-Grandma's crystal decorations, which are awesome. But we wanted to add our own touch to the tree. So I found a ton of cute decorations at Hobby Lobby. Our tree is now all red berries, red birds, white birds and white owls. LOVE it. Here are just a couple varieties of the birds and owls:

Here is the tree! Finished with a Mickey Mouse Santa Hat on top.

And the BEST picture of a baby with Santa you will EVER see.... I guarantee 100% satisfaction:

I can't believe how cute, handsome, adorable, perfect, funny and happy my baby is. Honestly!! I don't know why I am so blessed...but I am thankful that I am. Here he is at 6 months.

We are excited for the Holiday Season! We have been festive so far and will continue to do so. It makes it so much more fun when you have a child. They just get excited about everything.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY!! total mini-scott. and you are so right, that santa/baby picture is the best I have yet to see. HE IS SO CUTE!!! I LOVE HIM.
