Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday!

As most of you know- January is BIRTHDAY month at our home! We pretty much had a week of celebrating! The night of his birthday his parents and family took us out to dinner at our usual fav- Joy Luck. Here's the group of awesome-ness that could make it:

After dinner we went back to our place where we ate brownies and ice cream and watched the Birthday Man open his gifts. This is a gift he has been wanting for a while and I totally surprised him with! A pocket watch. It is really cool and he loves wearing it anytime we dress up to go places. He is so sexy. He also got some shoes, a Green Lantern t-shirt, a book and Dexter Season 4 on DVD. Not to mention generous gifts from his parents and his bro!

We also went out to dinner on Friday night with a small group of close friends for our Birthdays and that was a blast! We went to Famous Dave's at Fort Union- holy cow. It's the best!!

Saturday night we went to dinner YET AGAIN with my family this time! I have been craving Brick Oven so we went there. We had quite the group show up, and of course I forgot my camera :( It was delicious tho and we had a blast!

For my birthday we took it easy that morning and afternoon and then headed to Scott's parents house for dinner. Scott's parents were nice enough to invite my entire family up to their house to join us. We had an awesome Italian dinner with lots of yummy food and cake! It was so much fun to be able to see both families at the same time! (Our families live about an hour apart- so that is a rare thing to see both groups in the same day!) I opened my fabulous gifts from my honey who spoiled me like crazy! He got me the final season of Lost on Blu-Ray, a cute cardigan, some cleaning accessories to go with my new steam mop (I was literally soooo excited for that!!) and he also got me a bread maker! I can't wait to use it. I love homemade bread!

I feel like we are getting so old when I hear our ages- but I still feel so young so I guess that is what counts! I love having our birthdays close together and having a week long celebration. Thanks to our family and friends for all the nice gifts and spoiling and dinners!! Happy Birthday my Love!

Friday, January 7, 2011


This New Year's Eve, the Halladay Family had their traditional party! We have tempura (a whole plate full of frozen yummies to cook in oil!), floating tacos and lots of treats and yummy bubbly drinks. We played games, watched the traditional ball drop in New York and made tons of noise at midnight. It was such a blast. Here I am with 2 of my nieces and our Happy New Year gear...
The girls in their adorable pajamas. I was shocked that all 3 of them survived and stayed awake until after midnight. I love their cute sleepy faces.

And the face of New Years...
2010 was a year full of good times, rough times and lots of memories. I know 2011 will bring many new and exciting things, good times and happiness. I hope everyone had a Happy New Years Eve!!