Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas-- finally!

We had a very nice and laid-back Christmas this year. We did our traditional Orem Christmas Eve party at my Papa's house. It is so great to see family members that live elsewhere and those that we just don't get to see very often! There are lots of us expecting babies this year so that is the biggest topic of conversation. It is so exciting to see our family grow! We got our traditional stockings and blankets from Papa and Nana. We also had our traditional pizza dinner. One fun thing was our neighbors had ordered way too much crab- so they brought us a TON of crab legs! Scott and I (and we now know William) love crab! After the party we went to Meemaw's and Pop-pop's to open gifts there. William is one spoiled boy and got tons of Cars stuff as well as Monster's Inc. stuff. His favorite toy from them is his cat Figaro. Scott and I got Hale Center Theater season tickets- which we are so thrilled to use!

On Christmas we hung out at home all day and let William slowly open gifts. He loves to open one and play with it for a while. Then later come back to open another etc. We didn't rush him through opening gifts. I like that he enjoys each gift and doesn't care if there is a big pile of gifts to open or not. We ate breakfast before doing anything because Scott had to work for a little while. We made eggnog french toast with scrambled eggs. Then we got to the fun stuff. He was most thrilled to get Woody and Buzz:

Scott and I opened gifts while William was playing with his toys. I made this gift for Scott and Eric: a Rubik cube tissue box. If you watch the Big Bang Theory- in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment on the side table by the couch, they have this. We are Big Bang enthusiasts so when I saw the tutorial on Pinterest I just had to do it.

The gift that he picked out and bought for his self: a straight edge razor to shave with! It was really nice and William and I took it downtown to get sharpened so it was all ready to go with all the accessories. I think he was happy with his choice :)

William came back for more presents and opened up Mack (from Cars) that held I think 8 other cars. Luigi and Guido are his very favorite. He has ALWAYS wanted them and we can't find them anywhere. So I was super excited to find them. He is also dying for Doc- so if anyone sees him anywhere, tell me!!

While Scott and I were opening gifts I went to see what William was doing and found him curled up in his new Cars show couch/bed with his new cars blanket, Figaro, Monsters Inc toys and Cars toys watching his new show Monsters University. I think he had a very memorable Christmas. Such a cute boy.

We were lucky to have Eric and Colleen stop by for the afternoon and exchange gifts. They always spoil us and spoil William. They are such great people and the best friends. Later that day we went to the Halladay's and opened many gifts and ate way too much food. We also shared our Service Projects and just hung out. The Halladay's are so generous and sweet. I am so blessed to have such great in-laws. 

Hope everyone had very Happy Holidays!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Family Pictures

We actually got these family pictures done back in November. My entire immediate family decided to get these done for my parents for Christmas. It has been a long time since we had family photos done, and now we have new babies and family members moving away and new members of the family... so it was much needed! They turned out really nice. I am so thankful for my family- Love you all!

I love the picture of Pop-pop and Meemaw with the grand babies. Aren't they WAY TOO YOUNG to be grandparents??? And I just love Vivee, Miss Aeda and Mr William. Such cute kids. Aeda will be a big sister in March. And William will be a big brother in July!! I made a ton of Christmas cards with all these cute pictures on them to send out for Christmas and misplaced my Address Book- so I never got them sent out! (Pregnancy Brain) So I thought I'd share them on here instead. 

I have lots of Christmas pictures, birthday pictures and recipes with reviews coming up.