Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am very slow... I am finally getting around to talking about William's photo shoot he had when he was 3 weeks old!!! (He is now almost 3 months old...) My friend Maddie came up to our home and took some precious pictures of my sweet baby. I love that we were able to get these done at home in his nursery and in our room. It makes them extra special. I am only posting a few of my favorites...but check out Maddie's blog to see some more!


I love these sweet faces he pulls... he is such a calm and happy baby. I can't believe he was once this small because at 3 months old, he looks like a small 2 year old now!

Here he is in my room, with his stuffed animal collection. My Nana (William's great grandma) gave me her entire collection of Classic Pooh Bear animals. I have LOVED it for as long as I can remember. We have all the characters: Pooh Bear, Owl, Kanga/Roo, Eeyore, Piglet and Tigger.

Let me first say that I was NOT planning on getting my picture taken that day... but I LOVE the snapshots Maddie got of me holding him. They turned out to be some of my absolute favorites. And I don't even care that I wasn't ready or dressed up for them, I just love to see the way my little man makes me glow and smile and I really love to see him in my arms. And here is his crib. Maddie got some great shots of his nursery...all classic pooh bear (even the wallpaper!) I love them. Thanks Maddie and Lee for all the great pictures- they are a treasure to me!

These last couple of pictures I found on my Father-In-Law's camera. He bought a fancy new camera that takes amazing pictures and I had to steal these from him. This one is of William and I at Grandma Webb's house. She is William's great-grandma that passed away just a few days after William was born. I can't get enough of that sweet face of his!! He is seriously a mini-Scott and Scott is the most handsome man ever of course!

We spend a lot of time up in my in-laws field on Sundays when we go visit the family. The nieces love to run and play and ride the four-wheeler. I was trying out this new harness I got for Dubs and Scott snapped this precious photo.

Needless to say, he loves that thing and sleeps the whole time. Some mom's wear these everywhere they go...I can't get myself to use it very often, but it is pretty handy!

I can't believe how much he has grown... He is now starting to be very interactive which I love. He smiles lots and even laughs when you tickle under his chin or arms. He "talks" all the time and loves to watch his toys- he's not grabbing them yet but he kicks them! I will post more recent photos of my man soon. We are hoping to take some family pictures this weekend. Hope everyone has a good week!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can You Feel the Love?

We have lots to catch up on! A couple weekends ago our beautiful niece Jenna got baptized! We were so proud of her and excited so we decided to drive up to Idaho to join in on the fun. We were a little worried about how William would survive a 9 hour car ride at 2 1/2 months old, but he did really well!! Jenna's baptism was a great experience and we are so happy for her. Here are my two men after the baptism:

And I snuck this picture of Dubs taking a snooze while daddy drives us home safely. We are going to Disneyland in October and we were going to drive... although Dubs did great in the car, I don't think we could handle an 11 hour drive. So we are going to fly with the rest of the family. We are SOOOO excited!

In other news, my little brother Josh was recently married! They had their beautiful reception in my parents backyard and were sealed in the Jordan River temple on Aug. 10 (which is a good day considering that is the date that Scott and I used to celebrate as our "official dating" day. lol.) Here is the happy couple:

And of course I have to show off William's cute matching tie and outfit! I love these faces:

And I can't express enough how happy I am that we have so much love in our family. I can't imagine living in a family that has no love for each other. It is such a huge part of our lives and I am so blessed to be able to bring a beautiful and perfect baby into such a loving home. Here he is being smothered by his Aunt Bree:

And even my pretty cousin Kylee (which makes her William's second cousin or cousin once removed or some jazz like that??) adores him.

He was just chillin outside the temple with Bree & Kylee who took tons of cute pictures of him. I just loved this profile picture they caught:

Here is the happy couple coming out of the temple!! These two are honestly perfect for each other. I can't believe how much alike they are. Even though all of this happened fast... we are so happy for them and we love them. Welcome to the family Diane!

This summer there have been lots of car shows! I have grown to love them and like to walk around with my honey and my baby. It's fun to get out of the house and Dubs loves to be outside!

And finally- here is Dubs with his Great-Grandma known as Nana. Isn't she SO young and beautiful to be a GREAT grandma?? I can't believe it. He was having so much fun chatting and sitting with her. I can't explain it enough how blessed I feel to have such a close family for William to enjoy.

This is a regular occurrence around William...everyone gathered around and smiling. It makes my heart melt.