Monday, September 23, 2013

Car Show

One other mini-vacation we did was a car show up in Park City! Scott is a member of NUMOA (a Mustang Club) and had his car entered in the show, we thought it would be fun and adorable to have William's car entered in as well. We stayed at New Park and it was SUCH a nice place to stay! Here are our cars:

The kids got to participate in a "race"/parade for all the other cars there. William was pretty excited to be a part of it! Here he is getting ready to go.

He got a sucker at the end... and I think that was icing on the cake. He had a BLAST doing the parade. He didn't like dad steering him tho. But he can't quite steer the car yet. Smiles all around!

That night was a banquet for all those entered in the car show and a part of the club. We had a good dinner and had a raffle, an auction and then the awards were handed out. Scott won!! He received this award for his class. We were so excited for him! Good job Honey!

We had such a fun weekend away together.I am so proud of Scott and glad that he shared his fun weekend with us. 

Just had to throw this picture in here... William LOVES riding 4 wheelers. Papa let William ride his 4 wheeler around one Sunday. He had an absolute blast. William sure does love his Papa.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the rest of our Summer...

As I said, we had a busy summer and went on lots of mini vacations! Here is a quick-ish update for a few more things we did. 
In July we went to our favorite place: DISNEYLAND. My parents and sister went with us. We decided to split the drive up and drove to Vegas the first night. On our way we witnessed a semi truck run off the road and tip over. It was really scary and it delayed us for a while. By the time we got to Vegas, we just went to sleep. It was nice splitting the drive up tho. We only spent one day at Disneyland, but it was plenty of time to do all of our favorite things. We ate at Cafe Orleans, drank lots of Mint Juleps, hung out at Carsland, and rode Winnie the Pooh about 20 times. It was William's favorite ride:

My Sweet and Adorable Parents


We LOVE Carsland. William loves the Mater ride and the Luigi Tire ride. All of us grown ups rode the Radiator Springs Racers as well. SO FUN!

The next morning we drove to San Diego and went to the Zoo. William has never been and Scott and I haven't been in years. William enjoyed seeing animals and walking around. I was horrible and didn't take any pictures! I don't know what I was thinking! Here we are at the entrance:

Seaworld was our last stop. And again- I didn't take any pictures!! Our camera battery had died. But here is William touching some star fish courtesy of Bri. He really liked petting the sting rays and touching the star fish... basically any chance to get in the water was a good time. He really liked the shark exhibit as well. He was really excited about the Shamu show at first... then lost interest pretty fast. It was fun to go and to take William- but honestly, it is not my favorite place. I think we will stick with Disneyland. 

Since we finished so early at Seaworld- I asked Scott if we could go and do a session at the San Diego Temple. We have both always wanted to visit this temple and since my parents wanted to go to Oceanside (where my dad grew up) anyway, they took William along with them and let us go! It is seriously the prettiest temple we have visited so far. We had such a great experience and I am so thankful to be able to do this work with my husband!

My parents had such a blast taking William to see the Ocean for the first time!! Here they are walking along the beach: so gorgeous!

How perfect is this shot??? He is so excited about all that water!! I am sad that I missed this moment with him... but I am glad that my parents and Aunt Bree got to enjoy it with him. He had so much fun.

Once we got back from California... it was literally about a week later that we made a day trip up to Idaho to visit Scott's sister and her daughters! We rarely get to see these guys and we missed them. Sarah was chosen to paint a mural on this city wall at a park. Look at that talent! We are so proud of her.

Next we headed out to the sand dunes. Brett's (my brother-in-law) dad just got a fun new razor and was nice enough to let us all go out and drive it around. William thought it was the coolest thing ever. He really loves four wheelers... so he was thrilled to ride in this "car". 

I have never even heard of these sand dunes before... but man they were amazing! I pictured us sitting around in the blazing sun and heat just being miserable and waiting for your turn on the razor.. boy was I wrong! There were trees and shade and even WATER! There were really cool little ponds of clear water all around the sand dunes! We just parked the truck, pulled up some chairs and let the kids play in the water and take turns riding the razor. It was such a blast and William was in heaven! Thanks to the Thueson family for being such gracious hosts for a fun day in Idaho.

The next weekend we went to Vegas!! I am not one to just go to Vegas for fun. I just don't find much appealing about Vegas to be honest. I don't gamble, party, drink, go to strip clubs or any of that jazz. So unless we have a reason- we usually don't stay here. But- Scott and Eric had tickets to the Star Trek convention. So we all decided to go down and hang out. This is the view out of our hotel room:

William LOVED that pool. He wasn't a huge fan of the synthetic beach... but we had a blast swimming a couple of times over the weekend. Here are our boys at the convention: so cute. We also went to the Bellagio to watch the fountains, walk around and get some ice cream. 

Daddy swimming with his boy in the fun pool just before we headed back home

More updates to come. Including a Mustang show in Park City, the Utah State Fair and more! Thanks to Eric and Colleen for getting us such an amazing room and for letting us spend the weekend with you in Vegas!