Monday, June 20, 2011

Life as we now know it...

I have always heard people talk about "no sleep" once you have a baby and I have heard people talk about how difficult it is... I will tell you right now that you will never understand it until you have one of your own. These last few weeks have been the most difficult weeks of my entire life- but I just LOVE this little guy. How could you not love this sweet face??

Even though it has been a rough time adjusting to no work- no school- no social life... I do enjoy being a mom and watching William grow and change every day. We have been doing lots as well! Scott's grandma passed away a couple weeks ago and while it is a very sad time, it is a relief. She has been so sick the past few months and broke her hip and all sorts of other ailments. It was a gorgeous funeral for a gorgeous and loving woman... she was so sweet and she will be dearly missed. We love you Grandma!


  1. he is so sweet!! I feel bad that it's been a rough adjustment, i can't even imagine! Sorry again about scott's grandma! she is in a better place now though! miss you

  2. I can't even imagine what an adjustment it would be!

  3. Elise!!! CONGRATULATIoNS!!!!! HE IS SOOO CUTE!!!!!! So happy for you guys!!!! We should get together sometime to catch up!! :) Miss you!

  4. You're so cute!! Yes, since we've moved to Rexburg we've kind of been out of contact with EVERYONE it seems like!!!! I think you may have my old cell # too! It's 801-540-2755!!! We're moving home to do an internship July 25th! We'll be home til around the first week of October! So definitely let's do a date night k?? We sure miss you guys!!!
